In early 90s we started hearing voice of training course on computers/hardwares etc. Slowly volume increased with c,c++ and with java its bang, now voice turned out to be noise.
Everywhere i can hear the noise, one day i got a call from a learning app company saying we will assess your kid and tell you the areas of improvement. I was shocked, bit disturbed, as my kid was only six, my thought process begins here, why i need to assess a six year old kid who has just completed kindergarten moving in to primary classes and happily coming home from school and throwing his bags and run away to play.Are they creating opportunity to do business by grabbing the colorful butterflies flying in the garden and tie them in a thread ?Does it make any sense, Now I magnify this and start visualizing it for all.
The students in college specific to Engineering are more affected by this training fever and mesmerize with this frequency ,training should stimulate self learning since we cannot capture ocean in a pot and learning is unstoppable and undeniable, its mandate that we are learning even on our last breath.,You cant learn swimming by watching. For that ,first you need to get into water. Learning by experience is valuable.
It is always better to pull your socks and get into a startup and make your hand dirty with real time ongoing jobs or projects. Adsorb things to structure yourself.
A successful person who succeeded in business or any field can only say this is the path but still the path doesnt look alike when he traveled and now. time may vanish the bridge he traveled to cross the river and now its you to construct a bridge to cross over the river, this will not be included in the specification and his guidelines.
Finally the stone which is beaten hard turns to be the statue or ideal for which doors will be opened and all will worship it as god and stone which resist for structuring will be laid as steps in stairs and all will step on it, Structuring referred above is experience. you need to feel failures and learn from the mistakes to cherish the success.